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5 Tips to Live a More Vibrant Life

5 Tips to Live a More Vibrant Life

This week, Dr. Andrea Rosario discusses 5 tips to help you escape burnout, or Fight or Flight mode, and shift you into your body’s natural Rest and Digest mode. Explaining the importance of each tip and how each can calm our brain, she gives ideas on how to implement these tips into your daily lives both at work and home. When you lack routine, live in a perpetual summer lifestyle, constantly “should” all over yourself, and lack nature in your daily life, it’s easy to find yourself living in a constant state of Fight or Flight. Following Dr. Rosario’s advice can enable you to sleep better, feel more rejuvenated, and improve your overall health. When you live life feeling burnt out, stressed, and anxious, you can’t reach your full potential. Dr. Rosario can help you thrive and live vibrantly in a way that you may not even remember possible for yourself. 

Join the Nourished Rhythms Membership - Click Here 

This membership is a simple, season plan, delivered monthly, for burnt-out women who want help sleeping better, coping better, and living better, in a way that is 100% empowering and 0% overwhelming.

You can find more from Dr. Rosario online at www.teachthemwell.com.

And on FB @TeachThemWell and IG @TeachThemWellCourses


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