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Wellness for You,

Impact for All.

Hi there, I’m Dr. Rosario. Frankly, I am sick and tired of hearing story after heartbreaking story of people, primarily women, who don’t feel well and ask for help from their doctor, only to be met with some combination of downplaying their concerns, Band-Aiding their symptoms or downright disrespectfulness. The truth is, even if you have the best doctor in the world, you hold the knowledge of your own body’s experience- the clues to solving the mysteries of your suffering. I’m here to lovingly guide you through online health explorations that will empower you to become the leading expert on the care and keeping of your ONE PRECIOUS BODY. I am so freaking happy you’re here!

Welcome friend! Let’s do this!


Are You In Fight or Flight?

The “Fight or Flight Loop” is such an important concept for you to learn because it could be life-changing to escape this vicious cycle. Take the quiz and learn more!


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Dive into cutting edge health and wellness topics with Dr. Rosario and her incredible guest speakers. You're sure to learn a ton and have loads of fun, in the process!

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Watch our short videos with snack-sized pieces of valuable health tips and tricks. These videos are easily digested (no pun intended!) and applicable to your life, today!

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Hop on over to follow Dr. Rosario as she shares her own healing journey, as a Functional Medicine Doctor digging herself out of her own health flare-up!

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Hi There! I’m Dr Rosario.

I want to welcome you to my little corner of the internet, where you and your experiences within your body receive the reverence you 100% deserve. I want to teach you how to translate what your body is telling you (in the form of symptoms) into clues that will help you find the root cause of your suffering. NO body is “textbook,” so the path to true healing cannot come from a recipe-like, protocol-driven solution. It HAS to come from experimentation with what works for your unique biochemistry. 

If you’ve been suffering from a myriad of symptoms or conditions, and you feel like you are not getting the help you need, I want to welcome you here with open arms! Our current healthcare system often fails to see the person beyond the symptoms and doesn’t appreciate the uniqueness of every body. Together, through our guided online health explorations, we help you translate your body’s whispers and screams so you can unravel the tangle of symptoms, find the root causes of dysfunction, and restore your vitality. I hope you join us as we change the heart of healthcare, one empowered person at a time.


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