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The Survivor Whisperer - An Interview w/ Peggy Oliveira

Trauma Expert Peggy Oliveira 

Dr. Rosario is joined by Peggy Oliveira the Survivor Whisperer, a trauma therapist and author of the book Deeply Rooted. After healing from her own trauma, Ms. Oliveira works predominantly with individuals who’ve experienced childhood trauma. Here, she shares some of what she’s learned both from personal experience and as a practitioner. Although there are several different types of trauma, this podcast focuses more on interpersonal, long-lasting trauma that begins in childhood. Ms. Oliveira discusses how trauma that happens over time can have a significant impact long-term and how it affects our sense of self, our self-worth, and how we show up in the world. Having a real effect on our mind and body, this trauma can lead to physical ailments and disease. Ms. Oliveira discusses the importance of healing and the impact it can have on our lives, emphasizing that healing is a process and will not happen in a single session. She would most like people to understand that no matter what our history, we are all wounded in some way, and when these wounds are left untreated they create a deeper impact. Giving ourselves the space to understand the patterns we replay over and over again in our lives and recognizing them, is the first step in our healing journey.

You can find Peggy Oliveira online at https://courageousjourneys.com/ or on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCizbimDe1zNRdCN2NMyiUXA

You can also find her book Deeply Rooted on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Deeply-Rooted-Cultivating-Self-compassion-Self-acceptance/dp/1736050818/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1634171215&sr=8-1

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