Healing through Self-Mothering w/ Jessica Flanigan
Healing through Self-Mothering w/ Jessica Flanigan Episode 5
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the month before Autumn Equinox is considered "Earth Month." The Earth element represents mothering and nurturing- something most women do for others endlessly, but rarely do for themselves. Jessica Flanigan taught Andrea the art of self-mothering and it made a profound impact for her, so she is bringing Jessica to you today! Want to find out if you're stuck in the fight or flight loop?
Take the Fight or Flight Loop Quiz here!
If you want to learn more about this topic, be sure to join our 8 week (pop-up) Facebook Group - From Fight or Flight to Vibrant Light. Inside this group you'll discover simple practices you can use to gently reset your body chemistry for vibrancy and reclaim your calm.
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