Well, don’t raise your hands all at once! In a perfect world, everyone would age well and rid themselves of the ailments that chronic disease brings with it. Of course that scenario seems a little too ideal to be possible, but guess what? It IS attainable with proper knowledge and choices.
If you want to age well and wave goodbye to chronic disease, then you need to focus on two words--inflammation and oxidation.
You might ask, what exactly is inflammation? In basic terms, inflammation is your body’s way of defending itself against anything it deems harmful, protecting itself from further insult or injury, and cleaning up debris left behind after an injury. Signs of normal, healthy inflammation include, but are not limited to; pain, swelling, redness and warmth.
Healthy and normal inflammation occurs around an injury and goes away when...
I think one of the most attractive and interesting body parts might our brains, not just in terms of intelligence but the physical brain itself. How can something so wrinkly and grey be so amazing? While many of us tend to focus on other parts of the body when it comes to caring for our health, our brain is at the center of everything.
Complexity: Your brain is a compact little package of complexity with amazing pathways throughout that control everything about your entire body, including your physical being, your emotions, intelligence and psychological function.
Size: The average brain weighs about three pounds and in a healthy human adult makes up about 2% of total body weight. If you have a cat, your little kitty’s brain weighs a lot less—a mere 0.067 pounds!
Neurons and Nerves: Your brain has about 10 BILLION neurons (a specialized nerve cell) transmitting signals that allow your body and brain to function....
We’ve all seen commercials about exercising and strengthening our brains with “brain games” and puzzles. What if it was easier than that? What if all that was necessary was 15 minutes of daily meditation? For centuries, yogis and spiritual leaders have known that the brain (and the entire body) responds to meditation.
Medical researchers at Harvard University have proven that meditation changes your brain. A recent study has shown that a simple but regular meditation practice may be enough to encourage not only a sense of general physical and mental relaxation, but improved mental and psychological function.
In a recent study led by Harvard neuroscientists and medical researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, participants spent eight weeks practicing a regular, daily meditation routine. Duration varied, but they averaged 27 minutes per day and ranged from those with no experience to meditation experts. The participants were...
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